Corn Exchange Mark Lane: 1808
Bath Road, Looking East: 1882
Buy my goose, my fat goose: 1799
Billingsgate Market: 1851
Twenty Straws!: 19th century
Vauxhall: 18th century
St. Paul's, looking up Ludgate Hill: 1852
The Unparalleled feat of Monsr. Ducrow in the Character of the Wild Indian Hunter on two rapid coursers in the Circle at the Royal Amphitheatre: 19th century
Covent Garden Theatre: 1808
London Bridge from Custom House Quay: 19th century
Buckingham Palace: 1859
Bird's Eye View from the Staircase & the Upper Part of the Pavilion in the Colosseum, Regent's Park:1829
St Paul's Cathedral: 1809
Royal Cobourg Theatre, Surry as first Opened 11 May 1818
Fleet Street looking West: 19th century
Entrance of Tottenham Court Road Turnpike, with a view of St James's Chapel: 1798
Skaters on the Serpentine: 1786
A Frost Fair on the Thames at Temple Stairs: 1684
The London Riverfront from Westminster to the Adelphi: 18th century
A Summer Day in Hyde Park: 1858
Westminster Bridge from the River, Looking South: 1750
Charing Cross and Northumberland House from Spring Gardens: 18th century
St Bartholomew's Fair, Smithfield: 18th century
Billingsgate Market: 1808